
We provide consultancy services to the terrestrial, and the coming extraterrestrial, mining and processing industries, based on a total team relevant experience exceeding 100 years.

Research and Concepts Development

We actively follow and contribute to the technical literature in space mining concepts and planning. We are focused on project concepts development which are highly iterative with component aspects closely coupled.

Engagement in Joint Ventures (JVs)

We are developing a ‘pipeline’ of resource return missions focussing on selected highly-accessible Near Earth Asteroids, which will be made available for farm-in or JV partnerships at the appropriate time.

Project Implementation

We have wide experience in project planning and implementation in terrestrial resource projects, which will carry over to space resources projects.

The Near-Earth Asteroids

  • Plentiful targets (24,000 now found, more all the time..) 
  • Highly accessible (20% are energetically ‘closer’ than Moon)
  • Good knowledge base from meteorites & astronomy
  • Richness of resources, c.f.  the Moon (average grade ~ 10%) 
  • Apparent ease of handling and processing loose regolith 
  • Ease of return to market orbits
  • Returns can be low thrust thus low power
  • Precursor missions already flown